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“Retail ERP commonly faced problems, such as stock managment and events announcement can be solved by G Suite.”


Ü LOHAS Outdoor is a perfect case study of an advocate of GSuite, understand it’s purpose, administator’s control, value to SMEs, store and inventory management.

Client Information

Company Name Ü LOHAS Outdoor
Company Profile Ü LOHAS was founded in 1978 and started off selling outdoor equipment. Since 1996, they began importing leading brands of high tech and good quality outdoor equipment from Europe to Taiwan. Ü LOHAS believes in providing the best functional and comfortable outdoor gear to Taiwan consumers.
With the aim to bring comfortable and functional outdoor and travel gear, leading European Brands are imported.
Industry Retail Industry
Company Size Less than 50
Year of Establishment 2017
Ü LOHAS Outdoor (From Left) Dong Men Store


Before After
Unresolved G Suite related usage problems. TS Cloud helps to resolve emails related management problems.
After delivery, stock level can only be determined after a stock take at stores. HQ is able to determine stock level right after delivery is made.
All suppliers information requires other colleagues to prepare and provide. All staff is able to download supplier’s information from the collaboration platform.


ERP is an expensive investment for SMEs. Why not try out G Suite?

When Mr. Wang was deciding on G Suite, he studied multiple case studies in USA. He realised that for SMEs like his, instead of spending a lot of time and effort to setup an ERP system, its better to adopt G Suite. Ü LOHAS Outdoor considered the need for retailers to know the latest product stock level, store situation and other importance information. With numerous cloud based tools available on GSuite, such as Google Sheets, collaboration platform, calendar etc, it will greatly help in internal communication, collaboration and store management. After much consideraton, they made the decision adopt G Suite which will be greate for collaboration.

Administrator Course easily understood by non IT staff, solving operations and administrative concerns.

After decided in adopting G Suite, Ü LOHAS was supported by another authorised reseller. Through their courses and sharing sessions, Ü LOHAS was still facing settings and operational issues. A decision was made to try out TS Cloud. After attending TS Cloud’s trainings, Mr. Wang commented: compared to the previous reseller, TS Cloud’s training delivery is easily understood and closeer to what we want to know, even for non-IT trained staff.
Besides, the unkown operation of email archival was made easily understood by TS Cloud and finally implemented.

Store management is now online with the ability to know stock info at real time.

In the past, the headquaters of retail industry could not obtain inventory information at real time, especially after shipment and before stock take. After the adoption of G Suite, store staff is able to view the shipper list; the headquarter is able to view inventory status online and real time. In addition, if the information on the trial balance is incorrect, the revision record can be obtained thru “version record”. The revision time and modification owner will be recorded, it thus best suited for collaboration ans as a tool for store management.

Function like a bulletin board-like collaboration platform, vendor information and announcements are available all the time.

In past, information is scattered across different computers of various employees. Should information be required, it has to be requested thru email or phone call to the person-in-charged. This take and lot of time and effort. With GSuite, all infomation can be organised neatly and made easily accessible via collaboration platform and the risk of data lost along with the departure of employees is eliminated. Besides, all company events and important announcements are pulished via the same platform.

TS Cloud’s comment

Special thanks to Ü LOHAS Mr. Wang and Ms Huang from operations and management team respectively, who have evaluated TS Cloud and decided to be serviced thru TS Cloud. They have attended our trainings and were particularly concerned about information security, emails systems and information sharing. They participated actively during the training and know what they were asking. We are confident that Ü LOHAS will benefit from their passion and thus realising the true value of G Suite.
After the transfer of fulfilment and support thru TS Cloud, Ms Huang has enquired via emails and phone about mailbox archival and transfer operations. We are glad to be resolve their long standing concerns and manage to implement more Google tools at store level. This saves them lots of time dealing via emails and phone, streamlining operations and management.

(Joe Chen, Customer Success Specialist)

Ü LOHAS Outdoor (From Left) Dong Men Store Ms Lim, TS Cloud Representative, Ms Hiang and Store Manager Yang

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