Google Workspace Frequently Asked Questions

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QWe do not need anything more than email. Can we buy just email function?


Google Workspace comes as a suite of cloud based tools and it cannot be broken up and sold individually. The suite comes with all other functions such as cloud drive, office productivity, calendar and video conference capabilities which are all designed to enhanced your productivity.

QCan I transfer the mails from the existing mail server to Google Workspace? how to proceed?


Depending on the mail server your company is using, different environments will have different migration best practices. You can refer to this article for instructions on how to migrate your mail to Google Workspace.

QCan I try Google Workspace for free?


Google offers a 14-day free trial for which you can sign up from this page: If you need any assistance with the configuration, you can refer to “Setup Business Gmail in 3 Steps!“. You can also contact us prior to your 14-day trial period ends to transfer your account to us and enjoy our services.

QWhat are the benefits of Google Workspace What are the benefits for businesses using Gmail for Business?


6 Main Benefits for SMEs to Use Google Workspace:

Read more

QWhat is Gmail for business (Google mail)?


Gmail for business refers to Google Workspace. The main difference between Google Workspace and personal Gmail is that the Google Workspace account can be centrally managed, as it is an office tool designed specifically for business use. For more information about the differences between Google Workspace and personal Gmail, see “What is Google Workspace“.

QCan I upgrade a personal Gmail account to a business account (Gmail for business)?


No, you can’t. Gmail for business requires a business owned domain and company information for the sign up process. A brand new account will be created after signing up.

QAs trial user of Google Workspace, can we purchase it through your company?


As trial edition of Google Workspace, you can upgrade to paid edition of Google Workspace and then transfer your account to TS Cloud by giving us the “transfer token”. Such transition will not affect the use of Google Workspace.

QWe are users of Google Workspace and we are paying for the licensee fee through credit card. Can we switch over to be fulfilled through your company?


If you are currently on the free edition of Google Workspace, you can upgrade to paid edition of Google Workspace and then transfer your account to TS Cloud by giving us the “transfer token”. Such transition will not affect the use of Google Workspace.

QWhat is the differences between purchasing from Google and Google Workspace reseller. Is there any differences in the applications and services provided by both of them?


There are two ways to purchase Google Workspace which you may directly purchase it from Google or from Google reseller.
For the applications, all are the same no matter you choose to purchase with. However, if you choose to purchase Google Workspace from the reseller, you not only will get technical support from Google and also enjoy the various benefits that provided by the reseller.
If you purchase from Google official website, it will show Singapore dollar in term of the sales pricing and the reseller that provide services will be different accordingly. However, all of the resellers had also sacrificed their own margin in order to provide better pricing for the customers especially when there is a transfer and renew customer which does not have more flexible pricing. Therefore, the reseller will offer more attractive pricing for the customer in order to attract more new customers.

QAfter payment, when can I start to use Google Workspace?


You can start using Google Workspace within 3 days.

QIf I do not know how to do the settings to start using Google Workspace, does TS Cloud provide assistance?


Yes, whether it is a new domain purchase or DNS management service, TS Cloud has the service to assist you in getting you start using Google Workspace. There are also online classroom training courses that can help you to get started with Google Workspace easily.

QWe do not need anything more than email. Can we buy just email function?


Google Workspace comes as a suite of cloud based tools and it cannot be broken up and sold individually. The suite comes with all other functions such as cloud drive, office productivity, calendar and video conference capabilities which are all designed to enhanced your productivity.

QIs domain name necessary for corporate mailbox?


Yes. You may include your company name in the domain name. It has to be registered, verified, and added to the Google Workspace console before use. Please contact our specialist if you need help in registering a domain.

QIf we don’t know how to use Google Workspace, what assistance do you provide?


If you would like to shorten self-learning time after implementation, you can also choose to purchase our Google Workspace Training Course.

QDoes Gmail support email blasting? What is the limit?


It is not recommended to do email blasting on Gmail. Instead, we would advise using Groups or distribution list in Google Workspace for mass mailing.
Business Edition has not restriction to group based mailing. The limit per day is 200 emails per accout. All editions are restricted to 500 users per email.
Please visit the following for more details

QWhat is Google Sites?


You can use Google Sites to build a corporate portal site for your business as the homepage or a place for teams to collaborate. You can easily drag files from Google Drive and arrange how you want the page to display without having to write a single line of code.

QWhat is the difference between G Suite Legacy free edition and paid version of G Suite? (G Suite Legacy is no longer available)


The G Suite Legacy free edition is a service that was offered by Google Apps for Your Domain in 2006. It differs from the paid version of G Suite in terms of storage, user limit and support services.

  G Suite Legacy Free Edition Paid Version of G Suite
Storage 15GB Starts from 30GB
Users Limit No limit of users in the first version, then reduction to 50, and now the number of users is limited to 10. Unlimited
Support Not provided 24/7 Technical Support
Remarks Service terminates on August 1, 2022 Stop selling on January 16, 2021

For more details, please refer to Required Actions for G Suite Legacy Free Edition Users Starting August 1, 2022.

QCan I try Google Workspace for free?


Google offers a 14-day free trial for which you can sign up from this page: If you need any assistance with the configuration, you can refer to “Setup Business Gmail in 3 Steps!“. You can also contact us prior to your 14-day trial period ends to transfer your account to us and enjoy our services.

QI don’t have a domain yet. Can I register one from you?


The Google Workspace (formerly known as G Suite) fee is not included with a domain name. If you require one, you may contact us for the domain registration.

QCan I back up data to the cloud on my computer while using Google Workspace?


If you use Backup and Sync, you can sync your PC’s files with Google Drive. If you need to sync NAS with Google Drive, you can contact the appropriate service provider to set this up.

QCan I apply for Google Workspace ofr personal use, instead of using a company name?


Individual users can apply for Google Workspace. However, it is a prerequisite that you have a domain name before applying. For more details, please contact our specialist who will be happy to help you.

QIs there a limit to the size of attachments on Gmail?


The maximum file size for Gmail attachments is 25 MB, while the maximum size of receiving files is 50 MB. If the size of the file exceeds 25 MB, Gmail will automatically add the file to Google Drive and create a shareable link that you can use to share the files with other users.

QWhat is the difference between applying for Gmail and Google Workspace?


The biggest difference is that one is paid, the other is free. Personal Gmail can be used for free. Google Workspace for Business, however, is a paid subscription because it has extensive features, such as user management via Admin Console. To learn more about the differences, please read the section “Differences between Gmail and Google Workspace (Gmail for Business)” .

Also, be sure to get a domain before applying for Google Workspace. If the company is newly established and does not have a domain yet, you can consider buying it from BigDomaint or GoDaddy.

QAre there any requirements for the application of personal Gmail and Gmail for business?


A personal Gmail account can only be registered if you meet the minimum age requirement (at least 13 years old). For children under 13, parents can set up an account for their children through Family Link, which they can manage themselves once they reach the age of 13.

For the Google Workspace account for businesses, you must have a domain name before you register it. It should be a valid domain name (not an offensive or untrue brand name). If the company is newly established and does not have a domain yet, you can consider buying it from BigDomaint or GoDaddy.

QHow much storage for Gmail?


A personal Gmail account has 15 GB of storage, while Google Workspace (Gmail for Business) has more, e.g. 30 GB per user for Business Starter, 1 TB per user for Business Standard and higher editions.

Storage is shared between Gmail and Google Drive. Cloud collaboration tools, such as Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc., do not count against your storage limit. Therefore, it is advisable to use the Office tools provided by Google to save storage space and work efficiently and collaboratively with your team without having to upgrade your Microsoft Office license.

Schedule a consultation with a speciliast to learn more

QWhere can I get a corporate email account?


If you are looking for corporate email or business email, we recommend Google’s cloud office suite “Google Workspace”, including Gmail with spam filtering (99.9% accuracy) and other cloud collaboration tools, which is definitely the best choice for startups.

QCan SMEs use Gmail for business? Is there a minimum number of accounts that must be purchased?


SMEs can purchase Google Workspace (Gmail for Business) and you can also purchase just one account. For more details, please contact our specialist.

QHow can I set up my corporate domain and customize corporate emails?


Custom emails are not available in the personal Gmail account. Custom email requires the purchase of Google Workspace. If the company is newly established and does not yet have a domain, you may consider purchasing it from BigDomaint or GoDaddy.

QWhat are the benefits of Google Workspace What are the benefits for businesses using Gmail for Business?


6 Main Benefits for SMEs to Use Google Workspace:

Read more

QWhat has changed in the editions?


Google introduced two new categories which are Business and Enterprise.
Business – Suitable for SMEs who look forward to quick introduction and can plan on their own.
Enterprise – Suitable for large-scale enterprises who need the assistance of resellers and usually spend more time to implement.

Differences of the Editions:
Business Starter $6/month, Business Standard $12/month, Business Plus $18/month.
Enterprise Essentials $10/month, Enterprise Standard $20/month, Enterprise Plus $30/month.

QCan I purchase Google Vault additionally?


Currently it is unavilable. However, you may choose to subscribe Google Workspace edition that comes with Google Vault, such as Business Plus, Enterprise Standard or Enterprise Plus.

QG Suite Business and G Suite Enterprise come with unlimited storage. Does Google Workspace’s editions have unlimited storage?


Currently, Google Workspace no longer provides edition with unlimited storage.

The storage of the editions is listed below:

  • Business Standard – 2TB
  • Business Plus – 5TB
  • Enterprise Essentials – 1TB
  • Enterprise Standard-5TB
  • Enterprise Plus-5TB

Please note that the storage of the previous edition is bound to each user account, and the storage cannot be shared; but for Google Workspace are adjusted to “storage on same Admin Console is shared by all user accounts”.

QIs there a limit to how many accounts you can have on the edition?


If the number of users is 300 and above, you have to choose the Enterprise series. While for users less than 300, you may choose any edition based on your needs.

QCan I still purchase G Suite Basic or G Suite Business?


The new version of Google Workspace is the only subscription you can buy online. If you want to subscribe G Suite Basic or G Suite Business, please contact us – Google Cloud Partner to assist you in purchasing G Suite.
(G Suite is no longer available to be purchased from 16/1/2021)

QWhat information should I provide for the Google Workspace implementation?


A valid domain name is required for a new Google Workspace subscription. If you are an existing Google Workspace user, a transfer token is needed for your subscription with TS Cloud.

QHow can I contact TS Cloud if I would like to subscribe to Google workspace?


You may fill in the online form, and our specialist will provide you with one-to-one consultation.

QWhat is Gmail for business (Google mail)?


Gmail for business refers to Google Workspace. The main difference between Google Workspace and personal Gmail is that the Google Workspace account can be centrally managed, as it is an office tool designed specifically for business use. For more information about the differences between Google Workspace and personal Gmail, see “What is Google Workspace“.

QWhat is a Google account for business? How can I apply for it?


If you currently use GCP, Google Adwords, Google AdSense or Google Analytics (GA), you will need a business account to manage your website hosting, advertising and website traffic analysis. So, you can apply for a Google Workspace account (Gmail for Business) to manage it centrally. For more details, please contact our specialist.

QCan we have a mixed edition under the same domain name?


It may possible for more seats purchased and only upon request from Google. Please contact us for further assistance.

QWe have multiple domains, can they be used simultaneously?


Yes, multiple domains is supported where you can set the primary domain (the domain used to during registration), the secondary domain (the other domains that you have) and domain alias (ie domain name, used as an alias for other domains).
Managing multiple domains:
How to setup multiple domains:

QCan I upgrade a personal Gmail account to a business account (Gmail for business)?


No, you can’t. Gmail for business requires a business owned domain and company information for the sign up process. A brand new account will be created after signing up.

QHow can I check which user has admin rights in Google Workspace? How can I manage the Admin Console?


If you have purchased Google Workspace account from TS Cloud, please contact our specialist for further verification. If you are not familiar with admin console management, you can visit Google Workspace Online Classroom Training Courses for Admin to get familiar with its features.

If your subscription is not running on TS Cloud and you want to check who is the administrator of your Google Workspace account, please fill out the form and our specialist will contact you for more information.

QAs user of free edition of G Suite, can we purchase it through your company?


Google has announced that it will discontinue G Suite Legacy free edition service starting August 1, 2022. If you do not upgrade before May 1, 2022, Google will automatically upgrade your account to Google Workspace under a flexible plan. However, the account subscription will be suspended if billing does not occur before August 1, 2022, and you cannot sign up until payment information is set.

Upgrading to G Suite Legacy will have no impact on the existing account’s data, and all services will continue to function normally. Please note that once you upgrade to Google Workspace, you will not be able to go back to the free edition and that the free edition will be discontinued on August 1, 2022.

Not sure whether to upgrade or not? Please refer to Required Actions for G Suite Legacy Free Edition Users Starting August 1, 2022.
Not sure which edition to upgrade to? Please refer to Features Comparison of Google Workspace and Google Workspace Edition Guide.

If you want to upgrade your account with local support, please contact TS Cloud. Our specialists will help you transfer your account and there will be no service interruption during the transition.

If you are not ready to move to a paid Google Workspace subscription, please ensure that the data is backed up before August 1, 2022. You can use the data export tool from the Admin Console or use Google Takeout to export data.

QAs trial user of Google Workspace, can we purchase it through your company?


As trial edition of Google Workspace, you can upgrade to paid edition of Google Workspace and then transfer your account to TS Cloud by giving us the “transfer token”. Such transition will not affect the use of Google Workspace.

QWe are users of Google Workspace and it’s fulfilled throught other resellers. Can we switch over to be fulfilled through your company?


As existing users of Google Workspace, you can upgrade to paid edition of Google Workspace and then transfer your account to TS Cloud by giving us the “transfer token”. Such transition will not affect the use of Google Workspace.

QWe are users of Google Workspace and we are paying for the licensee fee through credit card. Can we switch over to be fulfilled through your company?


If you are currently on the free edition of Google Workspace, you can upgrade to paid edition of Google Workspace and then transfer your account to TS Cloud by giving us the “transfer token”. Such transition will not affect the use of Google Workspace.

QWhat is the differences between purchasing from Google and Google Workspace reseller. Is there any differences in the applications and services provided by both of them?


There are two ways to purchase Google Workspace which you may directly purchase it from Google or from Google reseller.
For the applications, all are the same no matter you choose to purchase with. However, if you choose to purchase Google Workspace from the reseller, you not only will get technical support from Google and also enjoy the various benefits that provided by the reseller.
If you purchase from Google official website, it will show Singapore dollar in term of the sales pricing and the reseller that provide services will be different accordingly. However, all of the resellers had also sacrificed their own margin in order to provide better pricing for the customers especially when there is a transfer and renew customer which does not have more flexible pricing. Therefore, the reseller will offer more attractive pricing for the customer in order to attract more new customers.

QMy Google Workspace Account Has Been Suspended. What Should I Do?


Recently, users have reported that they encountered “Google Workspace is suspended”, “Google Workspace subscription has been suspended”, “set up billing for Google Workspace” or even some of you unable to sign in to your Google Workspace account. If you do not know what to do right now, scroll down to continue reading on the way to recover your Google Workspace account.

Option 1: Google Workspace Account With Super Admin Access

If your Google Workspace account is assigned super admin privilege, you may fill out the form here on this page and include the required details below in the additional queries section.

  1. The date you would like to set up Google Workspace
  2. Preferred Google Workspace edition
  3. Transfer token (Public ID: C032nki4d)

Please ask the Google Workspace Super Administrator in your company to access this link to generate the alphanumeric transfer token.

Option 2: Not Sure if Your Google Workspace Account Has Super Admin Access?

If you are not sure whether your Google Workspace account is assigned super admin privilege, you may fill out the form here on this page and we’ll assist you accordingly.

-Only Google Workspace super admin account is able to generate the token for the upgrade from G Suite Legacy Free Edition to Google Workspace.
-Usually, it takes 1-2 days for the account recovery of the super admin account. However, it still depends on a case by case. We’ll try our best to speed up the process!
-Just make sure you have the access to domain hosting panel (DNS of your domain) to verify the ownership of your Google Workspace account.

Option 3: Can I Choose Not to Restore My Google Workspace Account?

Yes, you can choose not to recover your account after being suspended. Although you will miss out on many of Google Workspace’s useful features, you can still export your organization’s data through Google’s data export tool.

Do you want to continue using Google Workspace? The above is the solution to reactivate your suspended Google Workspace account. Google only provides credit cards as the payment method. However, if you want to pay via online banking transfer using MYR or USD currency, you may contact us for further assistance.

QHow much is Google Workspace? How much is Gmail for Business?


Google Workspace Pricing:
Business Series: Business Starter $6/month, Business Standard $12/month, Business Plus $18/month
Enterprise Series: Enterprise Essential $10/month, Enterprise Standard $20/month, Enterprise Plus $30/month
G Suite Pricing:
Basic $6/month
Business $12/month
Enterprise $25/month
(G Suite is no longer available to be purchased since January 16, 2021)

Free technical support is included within the active subscription.
※Special discount for the first 20 new users.
Google Workspace: Business Starter $5.4/month, Business Standard $10.8/month
G Suite: Basic $5.4/month, Business $10.8/month.

(G Suite is no longer available to be purchased since January 16, 2021)

QWhat are the payment methods?


We accept bank transfers (TT).

QWe have been buying directly from Google, how will the invoicing be handled should we be fulfilled thru your company?


Google will charge the fees you have used before the transfer, but we will pay for Google on the day of the transfer until the contract expires. The amount of the original bill before the transfer can be confirmed by calling Google Support.

QWe are using the Basic version currently. Should we upgrade to the Business version half way, how is the fee calculated?


As basic version user, you can upgrade to Business or Enterprise version at any point in time. We will refund the lower version unused period charge you the new version from the switch over date.

QWhat is the fee for additional licenses?


If the Google Workspace license has not reached the purchase limit, it can be added directly. If it reaches the limit, it has to be purchased separately.
Additional accounts added during contract period shall be pro-rated and aligned to contract end date, rounded off to the full month.

QWhat is the differences between purchasing from Google and Google Workspace reseller. Is there any differences in the applications and services provided by both of them?


There are two ways to purchase Google Workspace which you may directly purchase it from Google or from Google reseller.
For the applications, all are the same no matter you choose to purchase with. However, if you choose to purchase Google Workspace from the reseller, you not only will get technical support from Google and also enjoy the various benefits that provided by the reseller.
If you purchase from Google official website, it will show Singapore dollar in term of the sales pricing and the reseller that provide services will be different accordingly. However, all of the resellers had also sacrificed their own margin in order to provide better pricing for the customers especially when there is a transfer and renew customer which does not have more flexible pricing. Therefore, the reseller will offer more attractive pricing for the customer in order to attract more new customers.

QHow to set up for the DNS?

To use Gmail for Business (Google Workspace), you must first configure DNS settings. If you are not familiar with this, you can purchase the Domain Registration and DNS Management Service from TS Cloud. However, if there are IT employees in your company who can help you with the settings, you can do it yourself.

QWhat information do you need for implementing Google Workspace ?


Please provide the setup site address and domain administrator’s account and password for your domain hosting. You will also need to complete our user account application form.

QHow long does it take to migrate to/implement Google Workspace?


If you choose to use Google Workspace implementation service provided by TS Cloud, we will be able to complete the implementation process within 3 working days. As the time for DNS to take effect cannot be manually estimated, you may be able to officially start using the new service within 1 day if DNS record becomes effective immediately.

QIf the company already has a mail server, can more than two mail servers be used?


Yes. However, because each host does not necessarily provide forwarding functions, if you have the need, you can refer to the Existing Email System+Google Workspace or contact our specialists for more information.

QIn the process of switching the mail server, will email messages be lost? Will the mails sent by the customer disappear?


During the migration process, an email may be sent to Google Workspace or the old host. Therefore, we recommend using software recipients such as Outlook. When the migration is completed, please save the mails on the old host before making POP3 or IMAP changes.

QCan I transfer the mails from the existing mail server to Google Workspace? how to proceed?


Depending on the mail server your company is using, different environments will have different migration best practices. You can refer to this article for instructions on how to migrate your mail to Google Workspace.

QHow is the migration done?


First of all, we will have to configure routing, gateway, and filtering settings from Google Workspace and then enable email forwarding from the current mail server. This means that the whole process requires settings configured on both sides. We will assist you with all the Google Workspace side of settings. You can choose to let us help you with the configuration of your current email system if it is okay to grant us the permission to log in to your system; otherwise we can also work with your outsourced vendor to have this completed.

QIs there a minimum number of accounts requirement for this Email Co-Exist Program?


Several settings are required on both Google Workspace and the current mail server to use both email systems simultaneously. As a result, this solution is best suited for organizations with 20 to 30 employees that require at least 10 licenses for Google Workspace. The one-time fee for the dual-delivery service starts from RM2,500 for the setup in Google Workspace. It may range up to RM3,000 if you need our assistance to do the settings in your system as well.

QDo the online courses require dedicated software to run?


The online courses can be accessed via all devices. Apart from internet browsers, it runs on Google classroom which is available as a free download.

QCan the online courses be accessed on mobile devices?


Yes. Your employees will be able to access the online course via all devices. Apart from internet browsers, it runs on Google classroom which is available as a free download.

QOur employees are located in Malaysia and all around the world. What are the suggested ways of having them trained?


Our online trainings are most suited for such spread of employees. Since this is an online course, it can be accessed anywhere. Upon purchase, existing and future employees gained unlimited access to the material.

QDo you provide customized trainings?


Yes we do. The course content tailored to your company’s needs and can be delivered at your office. For more details, please contact to our friendly customer service officers.

QIf we have a problem with Google Workspace, would you send someone to our company to handle it?


Because Google Workspace is a cloud-based service and its technology is very mature, if you have problems with the operation, we can assist you remotely.

QIf our company has an urgent requirement that needs your assistance, is your team able to handle it in a timely manner?


As long as it is working hours, whether it is a phone call or email, you can contact the specialist to assist you. If you choose to contact by email, you can get a reply within 24 hours.

QIf I have already purchased a Google Workspace account, can I purchase the Google Workspace Managed Service midway through the contract period?


Yes, you can purchase the Google Workspace Managed Service at any time during the contract period. If you have the need, please feel free to contact your Google Workspace service specialist.

QIf we don’t know how to use Google Workspace , can you directly sign in to our Admin console and set it up for us?


We provide online technical support consultation. If you have any difficulty in operating your Admin console, we can assist you via phone or email. We are unfortunately unable to directly sign in to your company’s Admin console to make any changes. If you wish to have a dedicated representative execute setup and changes, you can choose to purchase our Google Workspace Management Service.

QDoes CloudCodes offers a free trial?


Yes, thru TS Cloud, 7 days trial use of CloudCodes is available for our customers with support directly from CloudCodes. An annual license fee is applicable after a trial based on the number of users.

QCan multiple IP groups be set when defining IP locations?


Yes, multiple IP groups can be set.

QAs a basic edition user, can a portion of the users be upgraded to a higher edition?


Only 1 type of edition is supported for each Google Workspace console.

QCan TS Cloud help with the configuration?


Yes. We will do the configuration for you with the help of the solution provider.

QHow is the fee calculated for users that are added later?


The additional licenses purchased after the initial commitment are prorated. You’re billed monthly for a portion of your annual commitment for RM5 per month. Rates are applied to each month or part thereof.

QIs there a limitation on the number of administrators?


No. You may appoint as many admins as you want according to your need.

QIf any troubles and issues occur, how do you get support?


We provide support service after implementation via phone or email should to our customers should there be any troubles and issues.


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